When a loved one passes on it can be a traumatic experience for those left behind. This is why making light of a dark time is so important. These funny tombstones are sure to make you laugh. Some are sarcastic, others are a little dirty, and the rest prove the dead can have a sense of humor.
It’s made me aware of the need to clearly state what you would like your final message to the world to be. In other words, make sure you secure what will be displayed on your tombstone or someone else will.
Funny Tombstones
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Funny Tombstones Sure To Make You Laugh
As you browse through these funny Tombstones please take note of your favorites and comment below. We would love to learn which ones gave you the biggest laugh. If we come across more funny gravestones we will make sure to add them here, so check back in the future. We hope you like these and find them as funny as we have. Enjoy!
‘One Way Do Not Enter’ Tombstone
‘One way do not enter.’
“Two Things I Love The Most” Tombstone
“Two things I love the most, good horses and beautiful women, and when I die I hope they tan this old hide of mine and make it into a ladies riding saddle, so I can rest in peace between the two things I love the most.”
“Now I Know Something You Don’t” Tombstone
“Now I know something you don’t.”
F-YOU Tombstone
Free your body and soul
Unfold your powerful wings
Climb up the highest mountains
Kick your feet up in the air
You may now live forever
Or return to this earth
Unless you feel good where you are!
Missed by your friends
Uncle Walter Funny Tombstone
Uncle Walter loved to spend.
He had no money in the end.
But with many a whiskey,
and many a wife,
he really did enjoy his life.
“I Will Not Be Right Back” Tombstone
“I will not be right back after this message.”
“Well This Sucks” Tombstone
“Well this sucks.”
‘Baby Monster’ Tombstone
‘Baby Monster.’
‘Spanks’ Tombstone
Spanks: ‘Arthur spanks his wife Katherine.’
“Don’t Forget To Feed The Cats” Tombstone
“Don’t forget to feed the cats.”
Boner Tombstone
Eleanor Hammers Boner, Born 1861, Died 1907
Four Daughters One Bathroom Tombstone
“Raised four beautiful daughters with only one bathroom, and still there was love.”
Kay’s Fudge Recipe Tombstone
Kay’s Fudge Recipe Tombstone.
They Deserved It Tombstone
“He never killed a man that did not need killing.”
“She’s Surely Going To Hell” Tombstone
“My wife Eleanor Arthur of Queens, N.Y. lived like a princess for 20 years, traveling the world with the best of everything. When I went blind, she tried to poison me. Took all my money, all my medication, and left me in the dark, alone and sick. It’s a miracle I escaped. I won’t see her in heaven, because she is surely going to hell!”
Clement Gillman Tombstone
“Who led a commonsense and therefore happy life. Because he stubbornly refused to be bamboozled by his female relations, by his scientific friends and by the rulers, spiritual and secular of the society into which without his consent he was born.”
Maxwell House Funny Tombstones
Tombstones with the names ‘Maxwell’ and ‘House’ coincidentally positioned right next to each other.
‘Nobody’s Perfect’ Tombstone
‘I’m a writer, but then nobody’s perfect.”
‘I was hoping for a Pyramid’ Tombstone
“I was hoping for a Pyramid.’
‘Died From Not Forwarding That Text Message To 10 People’ Tombstone
‘Died from not forwarding that text message to 10 people.’
‘The Nut Is Gone’ Tombstone
‘The shell is here, but the nut is gone.’
‘Expired’ Tombstone
‘Our mom… her humor lives on.’ A parking meter displays ‘Expired’ on the other side of the meter next to the Tombstone.
“I See Dumb People” Tombstone
“I see dumb people.”
‘DEAD’ Tombstone
‘DEAD’…..stating the obvious!
“I Told You I Was Sick” Tombstone
“I told you I was sick.”
Ouija Board Tombstone
Ouija Board
“You Are Standing On My Boobs” Tombstone
“If you can read this, you are standing on my boobs.”
‘Butt Brothers’ Tombstone
‘Butt Brothers.’
‘Balser Steele’ Tombstone
‘Balser Steele.’
‘Assmann’ Tombstone
‘Shit Happens’ Tombstone
‘Shit Happens.’
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